So the other day I was reading an article about the weird things that people do but never really talk about. For example, have you ever wanted to go to the bathroom at a public function and someone you know sits down next to you and you keep sitting there internally drowning in your own urine just because you don't want to get up immediately and hurt their feelings? (I truly and sincerely hope I'm not the only one doing that!) But I decided to share a few examples of the strange things we all do, but will rarely admit to.
Have you ever tried entering a password but the PC/site keeps telling you that it is incorrect? And when you decide to reset the password and it tells you that your new password can't be the same as your old one? And you set your PC on fire and move to a different country?
Have you ever inserted an image in Microsoft Word, decided the spacing is not quite right so you move it 1mm to the left and it creates 4 new pages, all your text and images move all over the place, volcanoes erupt, aliens invade and a meteor obliterates some remote village in India?
Have you ever asked someone what their name is and then not listened when they tell you or only heard it partially and then realise that you will never be able to mention them by name for the rest of time?
Have you ever noticed how a minute speeds by when you are having fun but stretches out into 2 and a half years when you are exercising?
Have you ever read the label on medicine and it says to not take it and operate heavy machinery and assumed they meant forklifts or bulldozers instead of cars?
Have you ever been late for an appointment because it was early and you spent the first 45 minutes after waking just sitting on the edge of your bed staring at the wall?
Have you ever woken up and glanced at your phone to see how much time you have left to sleep and found that it is 1 minute before your alarm is set to go off so you roll over and cry a little while waiting for the inevitable?
Have you ever taken out your phone to check the time, put it back in your pocket and realised that you didn't actually check the time when you were holding the phone?
Have you ever Googled the lyrics to a song and realised you've had it all wrong for years?
Have you ever stood in a short queue at the supermarket and then realised that the much longer queue next to you is moving much faster?
Have you ever heard a recording of your own voice, realised it sounded completely different and then stood staring out a window at the pouring rain and questioned who you really are?
Have you ever sat somewhere and zoned out, and then realised you are zoned out but was too lazy to zone back in again?
Have you ever caught yourself making a facial expression and then thought "Woah, I didn't mean to make that face out loud?!" and hoped no-one saw you?
Have you ever pretended to be looking at other products in the supermarket when someone is blocking access to the product you need and you are waiting for them to leave?
Have you ever hit a pothole so hard that you apologised to your car out loud?
Phone Call
Have you ever been on your phone and had someone call you but you don't want to talk to them so you just stare at your phone until it stops ringing and you can go back to playing Candy Crush?
Have you ever sat in your car after you have parked and waited for a song to finish before turning the car off and getting out?
Minty Fresh
Have you ever chewed peppermint chewing gum and then had some really cold water and felt like you just had liquid nitrogen poured down your throat?
TV Dinner
Have you ever sat down for dinner in front of the TV and then had it go cold because you couldn't find a show you liked?