Friday, 17 October 2014

Snakes On a Plane

Snakes! Since the beginning of time they have fascinated/intrigued/horrified us. And there are so many different kind of snakes that you'd be hard-pressed to try and remember them all. We are so fascinated by them that we make movies about them. Take the title to my post for example. Here is a movie made more terrifying by the prospect of being inside a pressurized tube hundreds of feet up in the air filled with slithering reptiles. Of course they just had to add Samuel L Jackson to it, because they also felt that the movie could use multiple instances of the word "motherf*cker".

Not too long ago I was in a pet shop. The main display was a massive glass tank with a 2 meter python in it. That wasn't disturbing. What disturbed me was the fact that the python was named Sugar! Why on earth would you want to call something that could squeeze the life out of you, and then eat you Sugar?! It's like calling a pit bull Muffin. It makes absolutely no sense to me!
Snakes have been kept as pets, been the stars in many movies, and have been the antagonists in many video games. Let's face it, we can't get away from them! Then there is the most famous snake of all, the one that mislead Eve in the Garden of Eden. Now, I am willing to give Eve the benefit of the doubt here. Everything was still new and shiny, so for her to have a conversation with a snake was probably nothing out of the ordinary. I, on the other hand, would have gone "Holy Crap! A talking snake!" and run off to fetch Adam, leaving the snake wondering what the hell just happened.

I don't mind people keeping snakes as pets, and I certainly don't mind them being included in popular media. But unfortunately, as fascinated as I am with them, I just can't bring myself to actually own one.....